Henry and Holland's NICU Adventures


on January 16, 2013

We’ve read and heard that a NICU stay is a lot like a rollercoaster.

We don’t especially like this analogy, since neither of us are particularly fond of roller coasters, but also because we know that through this whole process we have so much to be thankful for despite the ups and downs.  There are bound to be good days and bad days, and as long as we take each as they come, we know that we’ll get through it!

However, the ups and downs of rollercoasters are pretty accurate in regards to the last few days.  Yesterday was such a stellar day, with lots of excitement and positive developments.  Today wasn’t the opposite, but it didn’t follow suit!

Apparently Holland had been having some residuals after her feedings (unlike her), doing a little de-satting (even at high O2 settings), and just not looking like herself (poor coloring).  Penny had a chest X-ray done: it was clear.  She had a blood test done: all counts were good.  She did a urine culture: it was interrupted…yes, you know what I mean.  It seems that after she relieved herself, Holland felt better and was herself again.  By the time we arrived, she seemed totally normal!  As a precaution, she’s receiving an antibiotic to cover some basics, was put back on optiflow (heated oxygen), and taken off of her feeding schedule.  Hopefully she’ll be able to get back to normal tomorrow!


She was a vision in polka-dots today (and yellow!)…Penny held her up for a picture (which is why her face looks a little wonky), and we hoped she’d open her eyes.  We tried chatting with her…no go.  We tried turning down the lights…


…no go.  Better luck tomorrow!  Feel better, baby girl!

Henry James just keeps rolling along!  He’ll be receiving 2 feedings by bottle each day, increasing as each goes well!  Chris was able to give him his 6 pm bottle, and he did so well (both of them)!  Penny again told us how great it is that they’ve both taken bottles so well right away…good things!  We’ll try him on the direct source this weekend; he needs to nail down that breathing while eating thing!


Remember what this is?  Trust us, you’ll like it, baby boy!


And we’re in!


Time for a burp!  I think we’ll have some fun contests at the dinner table with these two…they clearly take after their great-grandma Neerhof in that arena!  These babies can burp!


Wide eyes.  Dribbly chin.  Happy boy!

The eye exams went well yesterday; Henry’s still show normal immature development (which is good).  The doctor is going to keep a bit of a closer eye on Holland, but there’s no major concern.  Any issue that arises this far along would probably be fairly easy to correct (with laser surgery…think LASIK)…but as always, we’re hopeful all will be well!

At the end of the day, the babies are good, and we are thankful.  While today wasn’t a banner day in the NICU like yesterday, things are moving in the right direction!  We have two beautiful, almost-fully-healthy, almost-term babies who are growing and developing as well as they can…for those things, we are so incredibly thankful!

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